
Feeds URL for Blogger Blog Posts, Label or Category and Comments

blogger blog feeds url

In this post, I show you how to locate your:

  1. Blogger blog posts feed URLs
  2. Blogger blog posts labels feed URLs
  3. Blogger blog posts comments feed URLs
  4. Specific Blogger blog post's comments feed URLs

    So, it is a good thing that Blogger blogging platform which is also known as Blogspot provides feeds for your blog posts category or blog posts label which is similar to blog posts tag in other blogging platforms such as WordPress.

    While many bloggers using the Blogger blogging platform are already aware that blogger blog posts labels have feeds where all the blog posts under each blog post category can be syndicated, to identify the blog posts label specific feed url or blog posts category specific feed url is somehow confusing to many bloggers that are using the blogspot platform.

    In this post, I would show you exactly how to locate your blogger posts labels feed urls or blogger posts category feed urls - if that's what you understand it to being.

    But before I proceed, may I discuss some of the reasons for which you may need the blog posts labels feed urls?

    Okay. Thank you.

    Instances Where your Blog Posts Labels Feed URLs May Be Needed

    1. For Use with Feed Syndication Services

      In a situation where you wish to give your blog readers or followers several choices over which content from your blog they are subscribed to, your blogger label feed url would be handy and extremely helpful and useful in that situation.

      Here is an example;

      Let's assume you have a sports focusing blog where you post several sports news including transfers, all clubs specific news, features and matches and you wish to offer your readers news feeds.

      It is possible some of your blog readers are interested in news about Arsenal FC and not Barcelona FC.

      To make syndicating only Arsenal FC related news possible and subscribable, you would need your Arsenal FC's specific blog posts label feed url.

    2. For Use with Specific Posts Category Widgets

      You probably have seen several blogger widgets that display your blog posts from different blog posts label or from specific posts label category. - these widgets scout for blog posts tagged under any label you specify using the blog posts label feed url.

    3. Repurposing your Blog Posts in Social Channels

      Using your blogger posts labels feed urls, you can selectively distribute your blog posts in different social media channels. This is especially good if you want only certain posts automatically shared and published in your telegram channel while all others are automatically published and shared to your twitter timeline. This method also applies when you desire to do similar thing with any other social channels.

    4. For Blogger Blog HTML Sitemap Page

      HTML Sitemap page is a page that contains all the links to your blogger blog published posts. This HTML Sitemap page is very beneficial for many SEO reasons. Besides, it also helps your blog visitors easily access your blog.

      So, if you really want to get crafty with your HTML Sitemap page in such a way that you would offer category ordered posts on your HTML sitemap page, you would be needing the blog posts label feed urls.

    5. Blogger Homepage Customization

      Sometimes you may need to customize your blogger homepage such that your blog posts are displayed in series of stacks and grouped by their category or label.

      Hence, you may decide to hide your blog posts on the homepage to use an entirely different creative customization using the specific-label feed urls..

      If such is the case with you, your blogger blog posts labels feed urls are a requirement.

    Those are just five instances from the many reasons you may need to use your blogger posts label feed url.

    How to Get your Your Blogger Feeds URLs

    With Blogger, it is possible to syndicate either of your entire blog posts, only blog posts comments, posts tagged under a specific label and a specific post's comments. And if you wish, you can decide to syndicate all.

    Because Blogger offers blog feeds in both atom and rss formats, I would show you how to get the feeds urls in both atom and rss formats.

    1. Blogger Blog Feeds URLs

      The feeds URLs here only syndicate your entire blog posts. It does not include your blogger blog static pages feeds, your blog posts comments or any other feeds.

      Your Blogger Blog Feed URL - Atom format:

      Your Blogger Blog Feed URL - RSS format:
      • Replace the blogurl in the feed url provided from above with your actual blog url so that the feed url becomes ...//
      • If your blog is not accessible at the https: version, replace the https: in the feeds URL provided from above with simply http:
      • If you already have your blogger blog pointed to a custom domain, replace with your blog custom domain e.g;
    2. Blogger Specific-Label Feed URL

      The feeds URLs here only syndicate blog posts tagged under the blog label you specify in the URL. It does not include your blogger blog static pages feeds or your blog posts comments.

      Your Blogger Blog Label Feed URL - Atom format:

      Your Blogger Blog Label Feed URL - RSS format:
      • Replace the blogurl in the feed url provided from above with your actual blog url so that the feed url becomes ...//
      • If your blog is not accessible at the https: version, replace the https: in the feeds URL provided from above with simply http:
      • If you already have your blogger blog pointed to a custom domain, replace with your blog custom domain e.g;
      • Replace the label-name in the feeds URL with the specific label whose posts you want syndicated. E.g; replace label-name in the feed URL with say; Barcelona so that the feeds shows posts tagged under Barcelona only.
      • Label-name is case-sensitive. This means that Barcelona is not the same as barcelona or barcelonA. You have to write your Label-name as exactly as it is written in the posts.
      • If you are to write a Label-name that is a combination of words as in; "Barcelona FC", it should be written like this:
        By application, it means;
        would be put instead of spacing the text.
    3. Blogger Posts Comments Feed URL

      The feeds URLs here only syndicate all your blog posts comments. You can use this when you want to show your blog recent comments to your readers or to automatically share your blog comments on social media channels.

      The feed URLs here does not include your blogger blog static pages comments or your blog posts comments.

      Blogger Posts Comments Feed URL - Atom format:

      Blogger Blog Posts Comments Feed URL - RSS format:


      • Replace the blogurl in the feed url provided from above with your actual blog url so that the feed url becomes ...//
      • If your blog is not accessible at the https: version, replace the https: in the feeds URL provided from above with simply http:
      • If you already have your blogger blog pointed to a custom domain, replace with your blog custom domain e.g;
    4. Blogger Specific-Post Comments Feed URL

      The feeds URLs here is useful when you decide to display or syndicate the comments for a specific blog post.

      These only syndicate individual blog post's comments.

      Blogger Specific-Post Comments Feed URL - Atom format:

      Blogger Specific-Post Comments Feed URL - RSS format:


      • Replace the blogurl in the feed url provided from above with your actual blog url so that the feed url becomes ...//
      • If your blog is not accessible at the https: version, replace the https: in the feeds URL provided from above with simply http:
      • If you already have your blogger blog pointed to a custom domain, replace with your blog custom domain e.g;
      • Replace the postId in the feed url provided from above with the post ID of the blog post whose comments you want syndicated. Here is how to get your blog post Id.


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