
How to Hide All Posts in Blogger Homepage

How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage

Recently, we discussed how to hide certain blog posts from blogger blog homepage. But in this tutorial, we will be discussing how to hide the entire blog posts from blogger blog homepage which in effect, would allow you configure your blogger blog such that all blog posts would not display on the blogger homepage except the ones you want.

    In the previous post where we discussed how to hide certain blog posts from blogger homepage, we revealed four (4) of the best methods of achieving just that.

    Meanwhile, for those who wants more, we reveal one of the best methods you can use to easily hide the entire blog posts from your blogger blog homepage.

    But before we go into the details, let's shed more lights on some of the info you need to know before you proceed.

    Why Hide Entire Blog Posts from Blogger Homepage?

    1. For a better performance in speed: if you hide the entire blog posts from blogger homepage, your blogger blog usually gets a speed boost, making it load faster whenever the homepage is visited.
    2. For a better customization and personalization: this is especially useful when designing blogger templates for agencies. Hiding the entire blog posts from your blogger homepage gives more room for improved customization.
    3. For beautification: if you care more about making your blogger blog look extremely stunning and dashing, you would not give hiding the entire blog posts from blogger homepage a second thought.
    4. Professional feel: if you know exactly how to do that, being able to hide blog posts or tweak the display of blog posts on blogger homepage is the beginning of giving your blogger blog an extremely Professional touch.

    While individual reasons for choosing to hide blog posts from blogger homepage may vary, above are the four most common reasons for which bloggers using the blogspot platform may wish not to display blog posts from blogger homepage.

    SEO Effects: Are there Any?

    1. Increase in Pageviews: if none at all, you will notice increase in pageviews which would reflect in your blog overall views when you choose not to display your blog posts from blogger homepage. - this is an advantage.
    2. Reduced Bounce Rate: though the SEO effect listed above is very similar to this, they are different. Reduced bounce rate is the resulting effect of increase in pageviews. - this is an advantage also.
    3. Temporary Drop in SERPs: depending on your method and mode of application, you may notice a temporary or permanent drop in search engine result pages when you choose to hide your blog posts from blogger homepage. - this could be a disadvantage.

    Above I have listed the three most notable SEO effects you stand to enjoy or endure when you choose not to display blog posts on blogger homepage though, there are likely other advantages and disadvantages thereto.

    How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger Homepage

    1. Backup Your Blogger Template

      Because the procedures discussed here involves modifying your blogger blog source codes, it is highly recommended that you make a full backup of your blogger template before you proceed.

      To backup your blogger blog theme, see here: how to backup your blogger blog template

    2. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 1
    3. Login your Blogger Account:

      On your computer or PC, whichever word you find comfortable to call it, launch your browser and on that browser, login your blogger account by

    4. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 2
    5. Click Theme from the Blogger Main Menu

      From Blogger Dashboard go to theme formarly known as template and click it. You can locate the theme from the Blogger Main Menu left of your Blogger Dashboard.

    6. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 3
    7. View the Source Codes of your Blogger Blog

      From the page that opens, click the 3 vertical dots and then click Edit HTML. If you are still using the older blogger interface which I doubt, from the same blogger dashbord, navigate to Template and on the page that appears, click Edit HTML The next screen will display a whole lots of Codes.

    8. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 4
    9. Enable Blogger Hidden HTML Search Widget

      Now, click anywhere inside that whole lots of codes and press CTRL + F. This will pop out a search widget that allows you search within the source codes area only.

    10. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 5
    11. Search for the Blogger Posts Tag

      Now, using the search widget as could be seen from the image above, search for the blogger posts tag. To do that, just copy and paste the line of code below onto the search widget seen in the image above then, press Enter.

    12. <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
      How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 6
    13. Replace the Blogger Posts Tag

      Now, replace the line of codes in the code block below here with the line of code highlighted in the image above.

    14. <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
      <b:include data='post' name='post'/></b:if>
    15. Save your Theme

      Finally, save your Blogger Theme. Once the theme is saved, you may now visit your blog to see if it works.

      If you have made no mistakes, everything should work fine and as expected.

    16. How to Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger homepage - step 7

    Final Note:

    First, let me assume you have successfully hidden your blog posts from blogger homepage using the method discussed from above, I would like to remind you some of the possible resulting effects of the action so that you may take the necessary precautions.

    What May Happen if you Hide All Blog Posts from Blogger Homepage

    1. Increasing Pageviews:

      Since this is to your advantage, I don't think I really need to emphasize this as such but you also need to ensure you actually get increased in page views on your blog by making sure that you display appropriate set of posts in the right orders and using the optimum design sets.

    2. Reduced Bounce Rate:

      This is also an advantage that goes pari passu with the point noted just above.


      You just take good care of the point one noted from above and you would notice that this automatically follows.

    3. Temporary Drop in SERPs:

      Okay. This could be a disadvantage if not taken care of. But the good news is; you can actually easily take care of it.

      Just make sure you display some blog posts or lots of blog posts on your blog homepage in the order you want using an optimized method such that does not further extend the load-time of your blogger blog homepage.


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