
Blogger Blog Error 404 Page that Search Engines Love

blogger logo with error 404 text and Google Search iCon

Do you know that with the right error 404 page on your blogger blog, you can multiply your blog traffic by up to three hundred percent?

Having a perfect error 404 page designed for your blog has so many SEO benefits and a few of such SEO benefits your blog stand to enjoy from an optimized error 404 page include:

  1. Reduced bounce rate
  2. Increases blog overall page views
  3. Visitors tend to stay longer on your blog

    Because at, one of our core determinations is to helping our templates users accrue maximum traffic possible through optimal SEO; we are constantly updating our templates in such a way that we can be rest assured we are delivering results.

    Inline with that aim, we have just introduced the best custom error 404 page for blogger blog you can ever find anywhere.

    See from the animation below showing you a sneak view of optimized custom error 404 page for blogger blog.

    SEO improved error 404 page for blogger blog

    From above, what you have seen is a sneak-view of the optimized error 404 page for blogger blog in one of the blogs running one of our blogger templates, but why it is dubbed the best so far and how it can benefit your blog are discussed further down this post.

    But before we proceed, do you even know how error 404 code came to be?

    What is Error 404?

    Error 404 is the http status code that is returned when you click on a link to a page or a file that does not exist on a server. This happens when the web admins have modified the link to the page or has had the page deleted entirely. And it is also possible that you typed the link wrongly in your browser or you clicked through to the page from another page that linked to an outdated url.

    All the same, the page you arrived at when you visit a page that no longer exists on a server is being referred to as error 404 page.

    Usually, every content management systems, CMS for short; has a preconfigured error 404 page presented to the viewer or visitor when they click on a link that leads to nowhere on your blog or website.

    Pro Tips:

    1. Links that lead to nowhere or end up in error 404 are often referred to as broken links or dead links.
    2. HTTP Status line is the standard name that is often wrongly called http status code.
    3. The http status line combines both the http status code and http status reason where for an instance; 404 is the http status code and Not Found being the http status reason. The http status line in that case would be 404: Page Not Found.

    Meanwhile, it should be noted that most CMS, ISPs, web developers and individuals can decide to get crafty and fully customize the error 404 page by simply renaming the error 404 page titles or changing the entire look, feel, design and behaviour of the error 404 page as such wishes hence the reason you could see the http status line displayed slightly differently by various websites than the usual.

    airbnb error 404 page

    Just below here I have a list of phrases that are commonly used by various websites and blogs for error 404 pages.

    • 404 Error
    • Error 404: Page Not Found
    • 404 Not Found
    • Error 404: The Requested Page Does Not Exist
    • Error 404
    • The requested URL [URL] was not found on this server
    • HTTP 404
    • Error 404 Not Found
    • 404 File or Directory Not Found
    • HTTP 404 Not Found
    • 404 Page Not Found
    • Error 404. The page you're looking for can't be found.

    Although some content management systems, CMS does not have any preconfigured error 404 page, I would assume that such CMS without preconfigured error 404 page to be an extremely old fashioned CMS. But even if that is the case, all modern day browsers have default preconfigured error 404 page that they present to the viewer when error 404 code is returned by the server regardless.

    What is the History of Error 404?

    The origin of the error 404, as legend has it, has a very interesting story dating back to the 1980s when a group of scientists at CERN (Switzerland) started working on what would become the World Wide Web.

    While at it, the scientists worked to create a database infrastructure that offered open access to data in various formats.

    The World Wide Web’s central database was located in the office on the fourth floor of a building — room 404 to be exact.

    In the room 404, a group of people were tasked with the responsibility of manually locating requested files and transferring them over the network to the person who made the request.

    But not all requests could be fulfilled, because of problems such as people entering the wrong file name.

    When these problems became more common, the people that made the faulty request were met with a standard message: “Room 404: file not found”.

    As time went by and advancement in the technology became steady, the manual processes become automated, but the error message adopted to being the HTTP standard response code for such issues would keep the room number. - source:

    Well, that's what the legend says. True or not, one thing that is certain is that; error 404 is returned when a file being looked for is missing on the server or when you're not looking for that file in the right directory on the server.

    Now, from the brief history, can you guess what the core purpose of error 404 page is?

    Error 404 Page Purposes

    Initially, the Error 404 page was meant to inform the visitor (viewer) requesting for a file or page on a blog, website or any server that the file being requested for is missing; if actually the file is truly missing.

    But as time goes on and the error 404 becomes more and more popular and commonly encountered, really crafty web designers and developers started shouldering more responsibilities on the error 404 page.

    Some web developers use the error 404 page to amuse their users and visitors while some decided to using the error 404 page to passing another information entirely to their visitors landing on that page.

    Google's own error 404 page

    But some web developers that care more about utilizing every opportunity to pulling maximum traffic to their webpages and keeping their users (visitors) engaged, using the same error 404 page; they help their users (visitors) find and get to exactly what they are looking for on their website or blog easily. - and this is just what we have done!

    Using our enhanced custom error 404 page for blogger blog, we make it easy for your blog visitors to locate the page or content they are originally looking for whilest keeping them longer on your blogger blog.

    What Does this Enhanced Custom Blogger Error 404 Page Do?

    1. It informs your blog visitors of the errors:

      This optimized blogger custom error 404 page serves the primary purpose of the 404 http status code by informing your blog visitors that they have landed on a 404 error page. It also goes further by declaring to them the reason they arrived that page.

    2. It displays to the visitors the exact post they are looking for:

      On the same error 404 page, your blog visitors get to see all the blog posts you have ever published on your blogger blog sorted by the ones most relevant to your visitor's original intent.

      Thus, the posts most relevant or related to the original post that landed your visitors on that error page appears first in the list.

    3. Your visitor can easily filter the result on that error 404 page.

      Because it is possible that you have had thousands of blog posts published on your blogger blog, and most likely; your blog visitors would hate peering through the long list, so we make it possible for them to filter the result as easily as typing a... b... c... so that without leaving the page, they find what they are originally looking for.

    How Does this Custom Error 404 Page Impacts your Blogger Blog SEO?

    Ordinarily, the 404 http status code exists for a few reasons good for SEO but when you improve the error 404 landing page for your blogger blog, you can possibly increase your blogger blog traffic by up to 200 percent or more depending on your existing blog contents.

    Below here I enlist a few ways through which this improved blogger blog custom error 404 page can improve your blogger blog SEO

    1. It Reduces Bounce Rate

      In case you do not know, bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who enter your blog and then leave ("bounce") rather than continuing to view other pages within the same blog. Bounce rate is calculated by counting the number of single page visits and dividing that by the total visits. It is therefore represented as a percentage of total visits. - source: Wikipedia

      How is bounce rate related with error 404 page?

      For most websites, blogs inclusive, other than the content; the number one thing that makes visitors exit your blog from the first page they visited is when they land on an error 404 page that is not friendly.

      So, having an error 404 page that helps your visitors locate exactly what they are looking for on your blog is a win for you.

      Want to know if your blog has broken links or not?

      You may think your blog does not have any broken links or dead links hence you have no use for a friendly or a helpful error 404 page.

      Alas! Use a tool like or AtomSEO and you'll be amazed at how many broken links your blog has got.

      And you can also use Google Search Console tools to get a complete data of which Backlinks to your blog are ending up in error 404. - actually, this is the best option for you to confirm that.

    2. Increases Your Blog's Page Views Per Visits

      Definitely, if your Blog's bounce rate is reduced, your blog would have increase in page views per visits which will automatically results to increase in overall traffic to your blog.

      And I guess you already know that your Blog's increasing traffic means more money for you especially when you have monetized your blog using Google AdSense or similar mediums.

    3. It Boosts Trust

      One of the most irritating thing about your blog to your blog visitors is their encounter with broken links on your blog. But when you have a friendly error 404 page that helps them locate exactly what they might have missed, then you are a winner.

      Thus, your blog's followers would not only love your blog for that, they would also willingly recommend your blog to others on the long run.

    4. It Improves your Blog's Alexa Rank

      You may think Alexa Rank does not really mean much to your blog but really, it does. Advertisers consider websites Alexa data before they bet on the possible ROI of the adverts on that site.

      Affiliate sites such as Commission Junction, CJ and the likes would not allow your blog into their platform if your Blog's Alexa data is not encouraging.

    5. Your Blog Wins Google's Credibility

      Have you ever came across some Google's recommendations on ranking factors? Google almost always advises that you build your webpages for your human readers and not search engines. The same goes for Bing Search, too.

      In plain English, what that means is that you should make your webpages as friendly as possible to your readers. And one of those things that make your blog friendly to your readers is making it easy for your readers to read through the blog. Making it easy for them to find and locate what they are looking for on the blog is also part and pazzle of it.

    There are more to the SEO advantages of crafting a perfect error 404 page for blogger blog than I can mention here because this page is not primarily meant to discuss that but I would assume you have gotten the gist.

    Which of Our Blogger Templates Has this Enhanced Custom Error 404 Page Enabled?

    All the premium blogger templates already support this enhanced custom error 404 page for blogger blog. If you have yet updated your blogger template to the latest, you can simply visit your Google Drive folder for your template, locate the latest uploaded template file, download it and upload it on your blog.

    If you need assistance at enabling this custom error 404 page for blogger blog on your blog, you can always contact us here for support.

    Not Using Our Blogger Templates for your Blogger Blog? You Can Still Use this Custom Error 404 Page

    If you are not using any of our themes and would like to have this custom error 404 page enabled on your blogger blog, you can hire us from here. We'll have it done for you at a reasonable fee.

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